Coloured laminate glass

Coloured laminate glasses are made of two or more white glasses, between which there is one or more coloured films that glue them together, in accordance with EN 12543 standards. The criteria for the selection of laminate glass in comparison with single glazing of equivalent thickness are the safety, protection and sound insulation they offer in comparison with single glazing.

PR-1201 PR-1501 PR-1601 PR-1301 PR-1111 PR1120 PR-1104 PR-1105 PR-1305 PR1108 PR-1308 PR-1109 PR-1309 PR-1112 PR-1312 PR-1113 PR-1313 PR-1178 PR-1158 PR-1110 PR-1210 PR-1510 PR-1610 PR-1114 PR-1115 PR-1117 PR-1118 PR-1119 PR-1122 PR-1121 PR-1103 PR-1303 PR-1306 PR-4102 PR-4103 PR-4104

PR-1201 PR-1501 PR-1601 PR-1301 PR-1111 PR1120 PR-1104 PR-1105 PR-1305 PR1108 PR-1308 PR-1109 PR-1309 PR-1112 PR-1312 PR-1113 PR-1313 PR-1178 PR-1158 PR-1110 PR-1210 PR-1510 PR-1610 PR-1114 PR-1115 PR-1117 PR-1118 PR-1119 PR-1122 PR-1121 PR-1103 PR-1303 PR-1306 PR-4102 PR-4103 PR-4104
